Our hope is that every member of our team would enthusiastically use their gifts to host and serve people well, optimistically live in the hope of the gospel, and be commited to growing in Christ and honoring him with all of the heart, mind, strength, and soul. We are one team with one mission: to bring glory to God and good to his people as we Share the hope, Speak the truth, and Serve the King.

We do not take lightly the call we believe God has placed on our staff to shepherd our people, stand for truth and actively push back darkness. Therefore, we require our employees to agree with Bethany’s Statement of Faith and commit to exhibit a lifestyle that is consistent with the same. We are also committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our children and adults in our ministry programs. As a part of that commitment, we have preventative measures in place to safeguard each child, as well as those who serve them. These preventative measures include screening processes, policies and procedures, background checks, and monitoring and oversight to help us maintain compliance and accountability. Furthermore, we understand and follow our reporting obligations in accordance with the state of California.

If you feel called to be a part of this mission, we encourage you to apply for a job or one of our internships by sending your resume to office@bbfoc.org


Children's and Youth Ministry Interns | Bethany Bible Fellowship (Posted 11-30-21)