February 3, 2019

Body Builders

Pastor: Greg Stiles Series: Life in the Church Topic: Prayer, Giving, Service, Attendance, Church Life Passage: Acts 2:42–47

Discussion Questions:

Could you be easily accused of having genuine joy?  How about when you come to meet together as the church?  Why or why not?  Where does a joyful spirit come from?  Why is it important for others to see the joy of Christ in us?  How does genuine joy affect our coming together as the body of Christ?
How does focusing on your personal spiritual health build the health of the whole church?  How does a healthy church aid in your spiritual health?   Which is more important?  Why?
Healthy church members choose to come together with a desire to serve, give with a willing and generous and cheerful heart, and purposely pray for one another.  How would you rank yourself in each of these areas?   What could/should you do to become healthier?  What is the benefit of growing healthier?
Jesus said “By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  Do you struggle to love the church as Jesus love’s the church? If so, why?   Pray for His love to be your love.   How can loving as Jesus loves lead to the result in Acts 2:47, “the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved”?



other sermons in this series

Feb 24


Signs and Promises

Passage: Romans 6:3–5, John 6:48–58 Series: Life in the Church

Feb 17


Make Disciples

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Matthew 28:16–20 Series: Life in the Church

Feb 10


Here to be Discipled

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Luke 18:9–14 Series: Life in the Church