June 9, 2019

Rise Above It

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Genesis Topic: Salvation, Faith, Righteousness, Grace, Judgement Passage: Genesis 6:9– 8:22

Discussion Questions:

In what do you find confidence?

What does the flood tell us about God’s holiness? What does it tell us about his grace?

In what way is the flood a picture of things to come? 

Who did God rescue from the flood? Why did he rescue them?

What does it mean to be righteous? How can you become righteous?

Why is faith in Christ the essential ingredient to human righteousness?

Will you rise above the judgement for your sin? How do you know? 

Is it possible for someone who claims to trust in Jesus, to still be trusting in other things to save them? Why is it necessary to stop trusting in those things and to trust only in Jesus?

How does preaching the gospel to yourself each day help keep your faith firmly placed in Jesus? How can you do that?

other sermons in this series

May 22


Faith Tested

Pastor: Joe Fogal Passage: Genesis 22:1–19 Series: Genesis

May 3


Online Service | May 3rd, 2020

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Genesis 32:1–32 Series: Genesis

Mar 8


In Spite of Me

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Genesis 30:25–43 Series: Genesis