May 17, 2020

Online Service | May 17th

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Online Services Topic: Parenting, Obedience Passage: Genesis 34:1–31

Welcome to our online service for May 17th!

  • Watch the service by clicking on the video to the right. A special message for children is available on our Bethany Kids page.
  • Discuss the sermon with your family or Life Group. Use the questions below to get the conversation going.
  • Remember to pray for our people, our community, and our world.
  • Support the ministry of Bethany by giving online, directly through your bank, or by sending your gifts to the church office (13431 Edwards St., Westminster, CA 92683).

Know that we are praying for you. May you bring glory to God and good to His people as you SHARE the hope, TEACH the truth, and SERVE the King!

Discussion Questions:

What are a “helicopter parents” and what motivates them?

Jared spoke of what he called the greatest gift you can give others. What was it and why is it so much better than anything else we could give?

How was Jacob’s decision to settle in Shechem an example of half-hearted obedience? What impact did it have on his children?

How are we sometimes tempted to half-heartedly obey God? What might be the consequences?

What was wrong with Jacob holding his peace in Genesis 34:5? What impact did it have on his sons?

In what ways are we sometimes tempted to abdicate responsibility? How can that be a bad thing?

How did Jacob’s character rub off on his children? Are there deficiencies in your character that you have yet to deal with? What steps might you take to surrender those to God and have him further refine you?

How is Christ the answer to the corruption we have within us? How can our wholehearted obedience to God point others to him?

other sermons in this series

Jan 31


Hope for the Crushed

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Isaiah 57:14–21 Series: Online Services

Aug 30


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Aug 23


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