August 30, 2020

Livestream Service | August 30th

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Online Services Topic: Sovereignty, Sin, Future Passage: Genesis 49:28– 50:26

Follow the instructions below to access the livestream for this service. 

1. CLICK HERE to visit the Bethany Bible Fellowship YouTube channel.

2. Once there, look for the most current livestream video indicated by the icon below and click to view. Enjoy!


Don't forget to subscribe to our channel so that it is easier for you to find next week.

After watching the livestream, use the questions below to discuss the sermon with your family, friends, or Life Group.

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Know that we are praying for you. May you bring glory to God and good to His people as you SHARE the hope, TEACH the truth, and SERVE the King!

Discussion Questions:

What are some things you are experiencing in your life that make waiting for the hope difficult?

How is it possible for God to govern all things, even sinful events, and not sin himself?

What is the difference between God using and God meaning for good?

Why is it important for us to understand that God does not merely use human sin for his good purposes? What impact does that have on the doctrine of God’s sovereignty?

How does understanding that God is working for our good even in the strangest and most painful times empower us to be patient?

What is the hope to which Christians look forward?

What impact do you think your hope in Christ should have on your daily life?

other sermons in this series

Jan 31


Hope for the Crushed

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Isaiah 57:14–21 Series: Online Services

Aug 23


Livestream Service | August 23rd

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Genesis 49:1–27 Series: Online Services