September 6, 2020

Stay On Target

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: 1 Timothy: The Good Fight Passage: 1 Timothy 1:1–11

Follow the instructions below to access the livestream for this service. 

1. CLICK HERE to visit the Bethany Bible Fellowship YouTube channel.

2. Once there, look for the most current livestream video indicated by the icon below and click to view. Enjoy!


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After watching the livestream, use the questions below to discuss the sermon with your family, friends, or Life Group.

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Know that we are praying for you. May you bring glory to God and good to His people as you SHARE the hope, TEACH the truth, and SERVE the King!

Discussion Questions:

Some Christians talk about going “deep” in their study of God’s word. What does that mean? Based on 1 Timothy 1:1-11, in what way might going deep be dangerous?

In what way were the false teachers in the church of Ephesus most likely improperly using the Law? What is wrong with that?

What is the proper use of the Law? In way is it directly connected to the gospel of Jesus?

What are some of the current speculations and controversies among Christians? What fruit do they produce?

Is it wrong to discuss theology or to help others come to a more clear understanding of important issues and concepts? Explain. How is that different from speculation and controversy?

How can you help your church stay on target and keep the gospel front and center?

other sermons in this series

Nov 29


When Faith and Finances Collide

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: 1 Timothy 6:17–21 Series: 1 Timothy: The Good Fight

Nov 22


How to Fight

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: 1 Timothy 6:11–16 Series: 1 Timothy: The Good Fight

Nov 15


Defying Gravity

Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: 1 Timothy 6:1–5 Series: 1 Timothy: The Good Fight