June 6, 2021

Finding Fault

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: The Visitation: When Hope Shook this Town Topic: Grace, Guilt Passage: Mark 12:11–12


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am on Sunday, June 6th, 2021.

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After watching the livestream, use the questions below to discuss the sermon with your family, friends, or Life Group.

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Know that we are praying for you. May you bring glory to God and good to His people as you SHARE the hope, SPEAK the truth, and SERVE the King!

Discussion Questions:

Read Mark 12:1-12 as a group.

What do the various elements in Jesus’ parable represent?

How does Jesus say that the wicked tenants would be brought to justice?

What is the implied motive of the tenants for rejecting the land owner’s servants? What was the motive of Israel for rejecting the prophets of God? What motive do people have today for refusing to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

In what way are all people like the wicked tenants?

The land owner’s persistence in sending servant after servant, and eventually his beloved son, could be seen as foolishness. Knowing that the land owner represents God the Father, what does that lead you to believe about Him?

Compare and contrast the response of the scribes and Pharisees in Mark 12:12 to King David’s response to the Prophet Nathan in 2 Samuel 12:1-15. How does David’s response point us to Christ’s call to all sinners?

In what way should the parable of the wicked tenants impact the way we look at those who continue to reject God’s servants today?

other sermons in this series