November 20, 2022

The Writing On the Wall

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King Topic: Purpose, Opposition, God's Power Passage: Acts 5:12–42


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Community Groups:

Read Acts 5:12-42 as a group.

In what way did the events of Acts 5:1-11 prepare the church for more effective ministry? Does personal holiness matter for the work to which Christ calls us?

In what ways are Christians tempted to compromise these days? No need to give specifics, but are there sins in your life that have yet to be confessed and put to death? 

Spend some time in silent prayer, then pray as a group that the Lord might purify our church that we might be ready for his use (2 Timothy 2:2).

What does it look like for a church to be successful? Is the way we measure success always an indicator of God’s blessing?

In what way should suffering for the name of Jesus be encouraging to Christians?

What does suffering for the name of Jesus tell us about God’s sovereignty?

In what ways are Christians today attempting to avoid suffering for the name of Jesus?

Reflect on what God has been teaching you through our study in Acts in preparation for Reflection Sunday next week.


Family Time (For dads, moms and kids):

What is sin?

What is wrong with sin?

Read 2 Timothy 2:20-22.

Why is it important that we keep our lives clean for God?

How can our family help keep each other clean for God’s use?

Pray for each other.