January 29, 2023

Under Threat: Staying on Mission in the Storm

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King Topic: Priorities, Pastors, Discipleship Passage: Acts 6:1–7


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Community Groups:

Read Acts 6:1-7 as a group.

What is the mission of the church? See Matthew 22:36-40 and 28:19-20 to help form your answer.

Thinking back on the first 5 chapters of Acts, in what ways had the mission of the church in Jerusalem been threatened thus far?

What threat is posed in Acts 6:1-7? In what way would the primary role of the twelve have been impacted if they gave their attention to “waiting on tables”?

Why is it important that pastors/elders devote themselves to the preaching of the word of God and to prayer? What happens to a church when attention to these areas of ministry diminishes?

Was the concern of the Greek Speaking Jewish believers (i.e. the Hellenists) valid? How so?

In what way does Acts 6:1-7 highlight the importance of the active participation of members of the church body?How has the Lord specially equipped you to contribute to the various needs of your church family?

Read Acts 6:8-15 for next week.


Family Time (For dads, moms and kids):

Read Acts 6:1-7 as a family.

Why is it important that our church teaches the Bible?

Why is it important to pray?

What happens to us if we do not pray or learn from the Bible?

Pray for each other.