Falsely Accused
Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King Topic: Witnessing, Truth, Holy Spirit Passage: Acts 7:1–53
This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.
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Community Groups:
Read Acts 7:1-53 as a group.
How do you feel when you have been falsely accused? What do you tend to do?
How did Stephen respond to his accusers?
As you think about Stephen’s speech, what seems to have been his motivation? Was it self-interested or kingdom-driven? Explain.
Read what Jesus says regarding the role of the Holy Spirit in John 16:8-11. In what way does Stephen’s speech give evidence that he was indeed filled with the Holy Spirit?
Based on the example we have here in Acts 7, how should people who are “full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” respond to false accusations?
How should you pray for God’s Holy Spirit to prepare your heart for the next time you receive a false accusation?
Read Acts 7:54-8:1 for next week.
Family Time (For dads, moms and kids):
How does it make you feel when someone tells you that you have done something wrong?
What should we do when we know that we have done something wrong? Read 1 John 1:9
What should we do when someone falsely accuses us of doing something wrong? What did Stephen do? Did he get angry? Did he fight back? Or did he just tell the truth?
Pray for each other.
other sermons in this series
Dec 10
Proclaiming the Risen King
Pastor: Joe Fogal Passage: Acts 28:17–31 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King
Dec 3
Faithfulness and Blessing
Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Acts 28:1–16 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King
Nov 26
Navigating the Tempest
Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Acts 27:1–44 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King