Ready for Work
Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King Topic: Ministry, Work, Service Passage: Acts 9:32–43
This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.
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Community Groups:
Read Acts 9:32-43 as a group.
Reflect on each of the five ways Peter exemplified how to go about God’s work. Ask the members of your group what each one looks like lived out and how individually each you need to grow.
Prepared to move. (Acts 9:32-33)
All about Jesus. (Acts 9:34-35)
Ready to flex. (Acts 9:36-39)
Quick to pray. (Acts 9:40-41)
Open to taking the gospel of Jesus to all. (Acts 9:42-43)
Family Time (For dads, moms and kids):
What does it mean to be lazy?
Can a Christian be lazy?
What are Christians supposed to be doing? What did Peter do?
How can you be doing things like Peter was doing?
Pray together.
other sermons in this series
Dec 10
Proclaiming the Risen King
Pastor: Joe Fogal Passage: Acts 28:17–31 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King
Dec 3
Faithfulness and Blessing
Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Acts 28:1–16 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King
Nov 26
Navigating the Tempest
Pastor: Jared Burke Passage: Acts 27:1–44 Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King