December 17, 2023

This is the Sign

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: 2023 Christmas Services Topic: Salvation, Gospel, Christ Passage: Isaiah 7:14


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Read Isaiah 7:14; 9:2-7

Why do you think that Isaiah refers to the miraculous birth of Jesus as a sign? What does it point to?

As we celebrate Christmas, what should it be reminding us of and pointing us to?

If Christmas was intended by God to be a sign, are the ways that you celebrate it sufficient in pointing others to the hope of salvation that they can have in him?

Who are those that God has placed in your life that have yet to come to faith in Jesus? How might you take intentional steps to point them to Jesus this season?

Spend time praying for opportunities to share Christ and the call of the Holy Spirit to open hearts this season.

other sermons in this series