February 18, 2024

The Chosen

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Romans Topic: Covenant, Salvation, Gospel Passage: Romans 2:17– 3:8


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Read Romans 2:17-3:8


Why did the Jews have reason to boast in God (vv. 17-20)? Were those things true of them?


In what way was their hypocrisy dishonoring to God (vv. 21-23)?


In what way does your life testify to the world about God (v. 24)? What might a non-believer deduce about God by observing your life? Explore what different aspects of your life might communicate (e.g. marriage, singleness, parenting, work ethic, language, financial management, etc.).


What was circumcision a sign of? Why was it important? How is baptism for a Christian similar?


Why should a person not look to circumcision or baptism as a guarantee of salvation?


Is God’s righteousness impacted by the unfaithfulness of his people? Explain. 


If even the Jews were unable to keep the covenant, what hope is there for the world?


Read Romans 3:9-20 for next Sunday

other sermons in this series