March 3, 2024

The Righteousness of God

Pastor: Jared Burke Series: Romans Topic: Atonement, Propitiation, Redemption, Justification, Salvation, God's Righteousness Passage: Romans 3:21–26


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Read Romans 3:21-26

Have you or someone you know ever wondered if God is really good? Why?


What do these verses teach us about the righteousness of God? In what way is God’s righteousness different from human righteousness?


How can people attain God’s righteousness?


Can you define justification? How is it related to the word righteousness?


How is justification different than sanctification? Why is the difference important?


What does the word propitiation mean? How is it related to redemption? Explain why Christ was able to make propitiation for sins while we are not?


In what way does this passage reveal the love and goodness of God? How can you share that with others this week?

other sermons in this series