PROFILE Bethany is a church family for the young and old. Dress is anywhere from shorts and t-shirts to jeans and even business casual. Our people are friendly, warm and welcoming. Stop by the welcome center when you arrive and a friendly face will answer any questions or help you with directions.

CLASSES Sunday morning begins at 9:00am with classes for adults. The focus is God's word and its application to all areas of life. At 10:30am we offer classes for children during the main worship service. 

MAIN SERVICE Our 10:30am service can be enjoyed either in person or via livestream. The livestream of the service can be found on our sermon page. These services can also be viewed on our YouTube page and sermon audio and video are posted later in the week on our website.

MUSIC The music we sing at Bethany is a blend of old and new. We love gospel-rich choruses of our day as well as hymns that the people of God have been singing for centuries. While everyone brings their own style preferences with them, our main concern is that the music we sing be God centered, Christ exalting, and consistent with the teaching of the Bible.

BODY OF THE SERVICE Services begin with a pastor or member of the congregation giving a brief welcome and opening in prayer. After that we sing several worship songs and hear the word of God preached. The service closes with a final song and benediction.

TITHES AND OFFERINGS One of the ways our regular attenders and members worship is through the giving of tithes and offerings. Visitors are not expected to feel any obligation to participate. Our desire is that they feel the freedom to simply relax, sing, and consider what God might be speaking to them through the preaching of his word. 

SERMONS Preaching at Bethany is typically expositional. Our aim is to examine a passage of Scripture and communicate the meaning that was originally intended while always keeping in mind the Bible's primary revelation of God's work to save sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most sermons last around 35 to 40 minutes.